17 Natural Techniques to Boost & Energise Yourself - Nosh Detox

17 Natural Techniques to Boost & Energise Yourself

1. Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels

Every time we eat the levels of sugar in our blood rises - and gives us energy. The more sugary the food the higher and faster the blood sugar level will rise - and the faster it will crash too! Then we start to experience symptoms such as dizziness, faintness, headaches, nausea, blurred vision, sweating, palpitations, cravings and irritability within an hour or so of eating the sugary food.

2. Digestive Enzymes

Your Gut’s job is to use digestive enzymes to break down and absorb the nutrients from the foods you eat so that your cells can utilise them. Unless you get nutrients from the foods then you won’t get the vitamins and minerals required for energy!! If you experience heavy bloating you can take extra digestive enzymes with every main meal.

3. Exercise

Take regular exercise, it raises your energy levels. Exercise balances blood sugar levels, promotes cardiovascular health, boosts feel good hormone serotonin. It also forces your lymphatic system to move and clears toxins from your system and makes you feel clearer, stronger and more energised.

4. Fibre

Eat naturally fibre-rich foods because they slow the absorption of sugar from food. Whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown basmati rice, whole grain pasta, oats, millet contain fibre which slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, and are a good source of B vitamins which are needed to regulate the sugar in blood. Try and eat these in your daily diet instead of the refined, white versions!

5. Juicing

Juices are raw which means they are high in nutrients and enzymes. Their liquid form means that they are very easily absorbed nutrition and so very energising.

6. Raw Food

Eat raw, green foods to feed your body’s mitochondria. If you find cooking relaxing, allow time to make a delicious healthy meal by including green vegetables wherever possible or welcome spring by making a salad with a variety of seasonal greens.

7. Sleep

Have at least 8 hours of sleep each day and keep your sleeping patterns regular. Take power naps to re-energise, release tension in your muscles, and to help ease away any aches and pains.

8. Check Your Thyroid

Hypothyroidism is much more common than you would think; millions of people are currently hypothyroid and don’t even know it. It is actually much more common in women than men and it is now estimated that as many as 10 percent of women may have some degree of thyroid hormone deficiency. Typical symptoms of an underactive thyroid include being tired all the time, chronic constipation, slow heart rate, sensitive to cold weather, chronic fatigue and weakness, excess hair loss, gain weight easily, recurrent infections, skin problems (dry, flaky skin), PMS, depression and cold hands and feet. You can get this tested via your local GP or via us at Nosh.

9. Yoga Rocks

Practicing yoga is a great way to energize your day as it helps release tension and clear blockages, allowing energy to flow freely, creating an overall sense of vitality and well-being. We often have so much tension stored in our bodies that we are forced to use our energy reserves for day to day support. If we can release that tension, we will be free to use this energy for whatever we really want to do.

10. Go Wheat Free

One in three people have an intolerance to wheat. When we react to a food one of the things it can do is make you feel tired and sluggish. So try and avoid wheat for two weeks and see if you feel more energised. If you are allergic to wheat, then do also test your allergy to gluten as well, as quite a few people tend to have a gluten allergy alongside their wheat allergy.

11. Vitamins Add Vitality

Take all supplements in as natural a form as possible. So, start with a liquid format if you can find one, then a powdered one if you can’t find a liquid form and only last of all, take tablets or pills. B Vitamins – B Vitamins are required for the release of energy from food; CoQ10 - a critical component in the production of cellular energy; Iron – A lack of iron in the blood can lead to Anaemia which presents with tiredness and dizziness; Multi- vitamins; and Mineral - As a base you could take a multi- vitamin and mineral to cover yourself and provide you with a broad spectrum of nutrients.
12. Avoid Stimulants

Unfortunately coffee, tea and alcohol aren’t the best substances to boost energy. They are stimulants and so you get a short term boost. But the caffeine in these fluids will hurt your energy over the long term as they dehydrate you, create nervousness, irritability, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and insomnia. Try to swap your daily cup of tea for green tea (lower caffeine content) and have a glass of water for each alcoholic drink.
13. Water, Water Everywhere
Water is the universal solvent - it cleans our bodies inside and out. Many health problems arise because we don’t drink enough water to wash away the waste products our bodies produce and the toxins we encounter in the environment.

How much water should you drink? It varies by activity, but minimally, use one of these formulas to make sure you are drinking enough. Take your weight in pounds and divide that number by three. Other beverages do not count. Only water hydrates, cleans and detoxifies like water.
14. Swap ‘White’ For ‘Brown’

Refined foods such as white bread, white pasta and high sugar foods deplete the body of energy causing you to feel tired and lethargic. The body takes nutrients to process and break down the sugars in your system so they are not available for providing energy. Take the NOSH test for a week - don’t eat anything ‘white’ and see how it affects your energy.

15. Increase Your Protein - Increase Your Strength

Protein is essential for growth, development and maintenance of the body as all our tissues, nerves, bones, muscles, internal organs, blood, skin, hair and nails are dependent on protein. It provides the body with energy, supports the immune system and can even influence the way you feel. Complete proteins are better for you - examples include meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, tofu and milk. Incomplete proteins are not as good but still helpful - examples include grains, legumes and leafy green vegetables. To form a vegetarian complete protein combine grains with pulses or nuts at the same meal. For example beans or lentils with brown rice or porridge oats with nuts.

16. Eat Slowly And Chew your Food

Most people average 5 to 7 chews per mouthful of food before swallowing. We need to break the food up into small pieces as our digestive enzymes can only digest the outer layer of the food. The rest passes to our large intestines where bacteria digest the remaining pieces, producing gas as a side effect! Chew every mouthful of food twenty or thirty times until it is liquid and your tongue can no longer recognize what it was. Chew completely and swallow before adding new food to your mouth.
17. Superfoods - For Va Va Voom

Green foods (aka superfoods) such as spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, barley grass etc are foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes, coenzymes and fibre....phew!! They are a power house of nutrients and a good source of enzymes which are the life force of living foods. These foods come in capsules or powders and you can have 1 tablespoon a day and you will notice the difference in your energy levels within days.

If there’s anything we haven’t covered, please do feel free to get in touch with us and we will try and help. Call us on 0845 257 6674 or email us on info@noshdetoxdelivery.com